| In the summer of 2007, Sara Sautter and Nancy Mays traveled to Boston where they supervised a middle school youth group on a Coming of Age field trip. Over nachos and margaritas at a small restaurant in Harvard Square, the women took a break from their chaparone duties and began talking (of course) about their teen children, their hopes and dreams for them and eventually, the War in Iraq.
How can we raise our children to be tolerant and respectful of differences, how can we raise our children to be merciful, charitable and patient in a world where war is waged daily... against the children of other mothers?
Soon the women realized they were paraphrasing the words of, Julia Ward Howe, the founder of Mothers Day. And soon after that, the idea for an event to return Mothers Day to it's original intent was born....
Julia's Voice and Moms Against the War took shape in Sara's family room during meetings with other women from local churches along with concerned women from the community. Connie Strand lent us her graphic talent, Paula English came up with our name, and Nikki, Martha, Katrina and others gave freely of their creative energy and passion for peace.
Thanks to all of you for your commitment to peace and to ending the war in Iraq.
Thank you for helping us honor the voice of Julia Ward Howe by standing for peace on Mothers Day 2008.