Our movement grew in 2010 with Stand for Peace actions held across the nation to Take Back Mother's Day.
Kansas City Metro Area
Third Annual Mother's Day Stand For Peace
Overland Park 95th Street in front of the Oak Park Mall
Music by Emily Tummons Julia Ward Howe re-enactor Public reading of the Mother's Day Proclamation
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Golden, Colorado
The Congregation of the Jefferson Memorial Church combined with The Women in Black, a group of women who regularly, silently stand for peace at busy intersections in the area. Members stood for peace after each worship service along the sidewalk in front of the church.
Jefferson Unitarian Church 14350 W. 32nd Ave. Golden, CO 80401 303-279-5282
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Grass Valley, California Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains246 South Church StreetGrass Valley, CA 95945
The UU Women’s Study Circle dressed in period costume and had several customized bonnets made.
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Cincinnatti, Ohio - Clifton Stand for Peace Sunday, May 9, 1:00 PM Clifton, Burnett Woods at Intersection of Ludlow and Clifton; Contact: Rev. Frank Carpenter rev.carpenter@fuse.net
Cincinnatti, Ohio - Hyde Park Stand for Peace Sunday, May 9, 1:00 Hyde Park Square Contact: Jane Masters janemasters@cinci.rr.com
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Broome County (NY)
Veterans For Peace and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton present a Celebration of Mother's Day and the Julia Ward Howe Proclamation.
Broome County Court House corner of Court and Exchange Streets. Music by Colleen Kattau and Some Guys Dramatic reading by Local actor Patricia Donohue and an historical interpretation by Binghamton University Graduate student Carol Linskey.
| Links to local press coverage of this second annual event:
Brookfield, Wisconsin Area
Mother's Day Peace Celebration Peace Pole Dedication
Unitarian Universalist Church West 13001 W. North Ave. Brookfield WI For more information contact bsteffes@wi.rr.com
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Newport, Rhode Island
Julia Ward Howe’s Mother's Day Proclamation
Sunday, May 9, 2010 – Mother’s Day.
Channing Memorial Church 135 Pelham Street, Newport, RI
Julia Ward Howe was an activist, a Unitarian, suffragette and mother of six. One hundred and forty years ago she called mothers to action by proclaiming the first MotherÂ’s Day. On Sunday, May 9th , Susan VanDerhoof, dressed in period costume brought Julia Ward Howe to life again in the pulpit of her own church, Channing Memorial Church in Newport, Rhode Island. Howe's decendents attended the service.
Natick, Massachusetts
Stand for Peace Saturday, May 8, Noon, Natick Center, Intersection of routes 27& 135. contact: Deborah Pope-Lance <revdpl@gmail.com>
Worthington, Massachusetts Peace Cairn Reclaiming Mothers' Day at the Cairn in honor of Julia Ward Howe and her mission. Sunday, May 9, 3:00-5:00 pm Glenwood Farm in Worthington, MA, For more information call 413-238-4240 or e mail info@earthspirit.com
Reading the proclamation in Natick Massachusetts |